Page 11 - Ma Chadash Rosh Hashanah 2019
P. 11

ReportsView from the chairAweek is a long time in politics. Six months as a shul chair seems like a lifetime! So much has happened since last Pesach, al- though outside Barnet we remain stuck with the political situation that inspired the stunning ‘Exodus means Exodus’ front cover last time round.First off is the inspiring appointment of Rabbi Landau and Rebbetzin Shoshana. In this interim period, before they start full time at Pesach, their visits for yomim tovim have given us the opportunity to get to know them. They are already working hard behind the scenes in Israel, and they, with Yiska and Ezra, will be good friends by the time of their full transition to Barnet.To meet our expressed need for en- couraging engagement within the com- munity, Dawn Stoller started as Shabbat Experience Coordinator at Pesach, and the results so far have been amazing. We have huge numbers of children of all ages, and their parents, attending the Shabbat morning sessions. We be- lieve that all the key objectives will be met as Dawn introduces programmesfor other groups, and the project de- clared a success. It’s no wonder the US are looking at Barnet to see how this model can be replicated.We are delighted to see that Rivkah has fully recovered, and in the last few weeks has returned to her role in the shul office. Since Pesach, while we have had support from the US, Karen has at times had to run the office single-hand- edly and deserves a special thank you for coping so well.Sadly, at the last minute the person to whom we offered the long-needed job of supporting Cad in his caretaker role backed out. So the search still goes on.The Local Honorary Officers team has recently been strengthened by the addition of Verna Lang as the new Women’s Officer. And we remain very grateful to Barry and Paul who con- tinue to do what Barry and Paul do so well.We now have an enlarged Synagogue Council which allows us to start to tackle some well overdue projects, forexample the shul website, considering how we can make the shul more ‘green’, and continuing with the theme of encouraging engagement.Our fantastic team of volunteers, far too many to mention individually, con- tinues to ensure the shul and commu- nity function as they do, and we are definitely moving forwards. Yes there are bumps on the way and mistakes are made, but the general direction is hugely positive.So on that note, we wish Rabbi Landau, Rebbetzin Shoshana, Yiska and Ezra, our fellow LHO and Synagogue Council members and you the Community a happy and healthy New Year and well over the Fast.Russell Eisen & Ronnie Palester Joint chairsBarnet Cares HelplineBarnet Cares is here to help with the hundred-and-one tasks that can build up, particularly in lives that are swamped with other concerns such as illness, infirmity, or just loneliness.• We can help with shopping • We can talk over problems in strictest confidence • We can offer a visit or a chat • We can offer expertise on a range of issuesDo you need help?Do you know someone who does but is embarrassed to ask? Please contact us:Barnet Cares and Community Chesed: 020 8449 0145 – option 4 [email protected] Chadash | Rosh Hashanah 5780 11PAUL LANG PHOTOGRAPHY

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